I've been waiting all week for this! hehe
So, one night we were all lounging around in our Story Orgy room … writing – editing – throwing spitballs at each other (pssst … JR has much better aim than me – lol – and I'll be cleaning that wall forever thanks to that *hangs head giggling*) … when my brilliant muse popped up with a yummy idea! We have two anthologies being released in December … wouldn't it be cool to maybe do something new and fun in celebration of this?
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Avail 12/2 from Breathless Press! |
But they knew exactly what we should do – a sorta round robin of interview questions to appear on our blogs! Holy Shite that's crazy!!!! *wiggling in chair just a bit in excitement* So brains started spinning … people started throwing out ideas … I ducked more than once – I'm more a follower than a leader (not to mention my fellow orgiasts are freaking hawt when they get their groove going!) and … well … here we be!!!! Tada!!!! *outright bouncing going on now*
To make a long story short (I know – too late – ha ha ha) the Story Orgy has taken five topics … and asked questions on those topics … and then answered them! We are posting in installments on our blogs … and I get to go first! *happy happy snoopy dancing* … Yeah, I know – this totally blows my "I'm a follower not a leader" thingy right out the window … but you know, when the Goddess speaks … well we all get kinda excited when she speaks! hehe
Now, what better way to start off an orgy of questions than with the topic of groups … or more to the point – our little group. So here are the questions and answers that pertain to how we see and feel about each other … straight from our purdy mouths to your delectable ears (or … um … eyes? lol)
Our Group …
1. I love our orgy group! So, what color would you label each of us and why?
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The colors of the Story Orgy |
Lee: This is going to be very long! Okay, here goes: Jade is pink to me. She's soft and sweet and cuddly and reminds me of a fluffy sweater. Em is blue- cool, calm, creative, and intelligent. She's fun and lively but organized and not afraid to take control and steer the group where it needs to go. Havan is red- she's bright, cheerful, passionate and in-your face sexy. <3 Hank is purple- because he combines the calming, practical aspects of Em and the passionate fun of Havan. JR is yellow- he resonates with youth, fun, and a light playful spirit.
Em: Hhm…Let's see. Jade is pink because she is so lovely and encouraging to all of us. I would say Lee is blue because he is intuitive, serene (mostly…lol), and very committed once he sets his sights on something. My darling Havan would be orange because she's so fun-loving, warm, energetic and touch bit flamboyant (*wink*). Hank would be purple for his creativeness, ability to stay calm, and simply for being so darn positive all the time. My muse, JR, I see as red for his passion, his love of those close to him and his intensity.
Hank: Argh, I can't even match my own clothes! Sigh. Okay, here we go. Lee – Green because he loves walking in the woods. Havan – Pink because she bounces and giggles and has such an outgoing personality. Em – Cornflower blue because she's calm and level headed (well calm…LOL!) and makes me think of days on the lake up north when it's calm and quiet. JR – Purple because he's out and proud and outspoken. Love that! Jade – Red, fire engine red! She's passionate and loves her hot, hot men and I love the pics she posts of those men!
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Taste the rainbow |
JR: No fair! I see all the colors of the rainbow *grin* We all look like a bowl of Skittles. Umm…I see Jade as a pink because of all her love and beauty. Lee is a pretty shade of brown, like earth tones. You know, for his sense of order and convention in the classroom. Havan is blue. She is so full of truth and peace. Hank is a tough one to color; but, I'm thinking he's a yellow for all his joy and intellectual energy. And Em. Oh, my darling Em. She's easy. She's gold- a wealth of wisdom and prosperity.
Havan: My perfect muse Lee – Green … not just because it is my favorite color, but because he is so natural and honest and a breath of fresh air to me … when I think of him I think of sitting in tall fields of grass with the sun warming my body and just being happy happy to be alive *blush* because he makes me real damn glad that I am here every day. My yin Jade – Red … she fires up my beliefs and is fiercely protective of the ones she loves – when I'm with her no one can hurt me. Hank – Blue … he has a calming effect on me – makes me think of the rolling waters of a lake, makes me feel important and special. Em – Gold … she is larger than life to me – true royalty not only because she is the Goddess but because she leads with a loving hand … she shines in her element, and she is always in her element. JR – Orange … my second fave color … he is bright and beautiful and full of energy that I love to rub up against … and he reminds me of a tiger with his quick wit and sharp fangs that can nibble my funny bone while simultaneously making me want to cuddle up next to him and purr …
2. Its Story Orgy gift exchange time. What book would you buy for each member and why?
Lee: I'm going to buy each Story Orgy member a blank leather bound journal- for recording the moments that make life special, the brilliant phrases that don't fit into your current wips, or any flight of fancy that catches your attention briefly. *Raises brow* It's either that or a gift card. I wouldn't venture to guess what lurks on any writer's shelves.
Em: Hmm…this is a toughy. For Jade it would be the Moon USA Travel Planner so that she could come visit each of us *wink*. I would pick out a Chicken Soup: Positive Thinking for my girl Havan (we believe in her…she should too). For our teach, Lee, it would be the Official Playing Rules of the NFL…so he can hang with E on Sundays *grin*. Hank would get this really fun book called Skittles Riddles Math – just because I think it's wonky enough he'd think it was cool too. My sweet muse JR would get Frog: A Photographic Portrait…because the hardcover version would look awesome on his shelf.
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For the love of books |
JR: Yay! I have books for my Story Orgy family. Everyone gather around. I'm playing Santa *chuckles a loud Ho Ho Ho*. Coloring books! Woot! Jade, my darling Princess, you get the cowboys for all the lovelies you share with Story Orgy. Lee, you get the couples in the sunsets for your fondness of the beauty. Havan? I have a variety pack for you. Try not to color all those bouncy chairs in one day. Hank, you get the bears so you can enjoy the warmth while you get inspiration from all the furry bodies. And Em, my dear sweet muse and Goddess, you get these handsome men in nature scenes for your natural beauty and love of the earth.
Havan: Oh wow … to choose a book for each member of the Story Orgy? Well I can't – sorry. Won't do it … but what I would do is write a book with all of us in it … maybe a paranormal of sorts … with good and evil battling amongst each other … Lee would be a sleek black panther shifter protecting all wildlife … Jade would so make a great Succubus (but instead of killing the men she would blanket them in ardor) … Hank would be a Merman keeping all ocean-life safe from harm … Em would be a beautiful Fey Queen and our JR would be a mighty Titan – all of them combined would save the world from the evils that planned to harvest it for its life force! Oh I like this story!
3. It's Friday night – the Story Orgy is out bar hopping. What's everyone drinking?
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Cock Sucking Cowboy |
Lee: It goes without saying that in this group, if we're all together there's a lot going on. So, to make things simple for the bartender, we've just bought a round of cocktails, all the same. Em is our leader, so in her honor and because we all loved Jack's Way, we've started out with a round of Cock Sucking Cowboys. What's in it? Two parts butterscotch Schnapps, one part Baileys. Layered in a shot glass.
Em: Ooh, I see Lee stretching his legs out at the bar with his shot of Tequila (neat) sitting on the wood bar-top in front of him. Havan is snuggled up close to his side with her Cuervo Tropical Dream in its hurricane glass. Hank and Jade are over by the jukebox picking some Christmas tunes with their Watermelon Margaritas while JR is camped out next to me (and my Pina Colada) at a table close to the dance floor with his bottled Bud Light.
Hank: Lee – tequila; Havan – tequila; Jade – fine French wine; Em – Bahama Mamas (LOL!); JR – beer and whiskey because he's a Southern man.
JR: I'm buying everyone a round of Slippery Dicks (1 part peppermint schnapps, 1 part amaretto – layered in a shot glass) right before we leave each bar. I think they are a sweet treat after all the other drinks we knock back *grin*.
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Washington Apple |
Havan: Raise the roof – the Story Orgy is in the house and it is time to get our drink on! Let me make this clear … all six of us have squeezed into a booth for four and we are loving it (this is my favorite part of our get-togethers! hehe) – very comfy cozy are we! The drinks have just been put in front of us: Lee – a shot of the best Patron in the house … and I've got the limes for him ready and willing hehe. Jade – her Sex on the Beach is looking almost as refreshing as she is. Hank ordered him a Washington Apple … because … well you'll see soon enough *winks* (2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky; 2 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps; 2 oz cranberry juice). Em – Goldschläger … it suits our Goddess to the tee. And the handsome JR with his arm protectively around Em … well he is swinging back his long neck and smiling beautifully!
4. The Story Orgy group goes Christmas caroling – who do you want to stand beside and why?
Lee: I want to stand beside Havan because I hope she can keep me warm, and also, I love music but I can't sing. I'm hoping her exuberance will cover my failure to carry a tune in a bucket. (Also, I hear she keeps a flask of tequila in her pocket)
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Wonder where they hide their flask |
Hank: I want to be sandwiched in between everyone because I get cold really fast and then my teeth start to chatter and then my already terrible singing voice gets even worse, so I'll have to blend it in with the rest of the group.
JR: I stand behind everyone else so maybe no one notices I'm lip-syncing because I'm not drunk enough to think I sound good yet.
Havan: Oh … I love singing – and when I do it in a group I sound quite half-way not so bad decent! *giggles* … And of course I'm cuddled up under Lee's arm, best place in the world to be! I have Jade on my other side with our arms linked. Behind me is Hank … mocking my shortness by resting his chin on my head … humph lol … and Em and JR are in front of me – cause I like the pretty view! We are all close and touching and huddling because whoever thought up caroling in the snow was a mad person I tell you!
5. Story Orgy group is asked to place a unique ornament on the Christmas tree. What is each member's ornament?
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What a lickable candy cane! |
Em: *sets the record player to Jingle Bell Rock* See over there? That's Lee with a round shale ornament with a hand painted sunrise on it. Havan is bopping on the other side of the tree with her little snow globe that has a melted snowman in it (must have been the sunshine that did it *grin*). Jade is next to her with her mini Eiffel Tower. JR is hanging a stained glass froggy near the bottom and up near the top is Hank with his I love my kitties ball of yarn ornament.
Hank: Jade – A bright red Vespa motor scooter ornament, I can just picture her buzzing around the streets of Paris with a long, red scarf billowing behind her. Em – A hand blown (oh my!) glass ornament because she's classy like that. JR – A horseshoe decorated with holly, isn't that how they do it down in Texas? Havan – One of those animated ornaments of a laughing elf because she's so outgoing and fun loving. Lee – He's kind of vintage, so I'd say long string of popcorn he popped over a fire and threaded himself, trying not to eat too much of it as he worked.
JR: Whoohoo! I love tree trimming parties! Jade with her glass beaded ornament. *Sigh* It's so purdy. Oh! And look! Lee, has his plaid quilted ball ornament. *Points into the branches* See that one? That's Havan's. She always sticks her two turtle doves way back there so they can smooch in private. Havan's such a romantic. Ah! Here's Hank's. He loves his hand-painted glass penguins. And this? This is my muses pride and joy. Her white felted acorn. Awww…she hung it by my little mouse sleeping in a slipper *squee*.
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Not an ornament but ... |
Havan: Now … us girls sat and sipped the best hot cocoa in the world when we watched the boys putting up our 9ft Douglas Fir in the Story Orgy room – and man are those handsome fellas good with their hands … *shivers* … and let me tell you it is beautiful! And to celebrate the occasion we gave each other ornaments. So right now Mr. Tall & Handsome (aka Lee) is placing his hand painted air-blown glass snowy sunrise high up on that 9 footer … next to him is Hank hanging his haunted house ornament with the holly wreath on the door (I can't help it, his scary house got me good! lol) … above him on the step stool that they are sharing are Jade and JR – balancing precariously and hanging her hubba hubba naked man with a bow in a strategic place on the front and a wide ribbon across the back (looks to the left … okay – he's not an ornament but he does get my point across), and JR's ceramic tree limb ornament with a cute lil froggy sitting next to Annabel Lee (awwww) … with Em following them all up with her Christmas Fairie ornament.
Alrighty then! That's it … we're done with groups for the moment … well at least with the questions about our group! And just for a lil bit of trivia fun … I'm wondering if you can guess who asked what question – muahahah
But you don't have to wait a whole week for more of us *eye roll while giggling* … in three short days you get to read the next installments (some of them may be conclusions!!!) to our Paranormal Prompt Play!!!
*big smiles and air kisses for everyone*