
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Book Blast: My Mate, Jack @PridePromo @Garrett_Leigh #mustread #bookcontest

About Garrett Leigh:
Rainbow Award winner Garrett Leigh is a British writer and book designer, currently working for Dreamspinner Press, Loose Id, Riptide Publishing, and Black Jazz Press. Her protagonists will always always be tortured, crippled, broken, and deeply flawed. Throw in a tale of enduring true love, some stubbly facial hair, and a bunch of tattoos, and you’ve got yourself a Garrett special.

When not writing, Garrett can generally be found procrastinating on Twitter, cooking up a storm, or sitting on her behind doing as little as possible. That, and dreaming up new ways to torture her characters. Garrett believes in happy endings; she just likes to make her boys work for it.

Garrett also works as a freelance cover artist for various publishing houses and independent authors under the pseudonym G.D. Leigh. For cover art info, please visit

Find Garrett here:

My Mate, Jack
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: G.D. Leigh

We've got blurbage:
Will Barter’s been in love with his best mate Jack for as long as he can remember. They’ve shared everything: love, life, laughs, even Will’s first kiss. But Jack’s straight, and Will’s long-buried infatuation means nothing until their last summer together draws to a close.

Then one night, everything changes, but with Will bound for university in Leeds, and Jack for his dream DJ job in Ibiza, there’s no time to explore their blurred lines. Before long all that’s left are secrets, lies, and misunderstandings.

In the months that follow, anger and hurt overshadow fifteen years of friendship, and Will must dig deep to remember Jack is his mate… his best mate, and nothing matters more than that, right?

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

And a sneak peek:
“So, are you game, or what?”

Will blinked. “Eh?”

Jack laughed. He lay back on Will’s bed and folded his arms behind his head, all dark eyes and shaggy hair. “You’re such a dreamer. No wonder you don’t notice any blokes. I was saying we could practice kissing if you want. You know, so you’re not nervous next time the bottle lands on you.”

This time Will couldn’t stop the beer going down the wrong way. He coughed. “Next time? What are you going to do? Out me to the whole school by snogging my face off? I’d rather smooch the girls.”

“Liar.” But Jack looked sheepish all the same. “Okay, maybe we shouldn’t mess around in front of other people, but I still reckon you should try your techniques out on me. Ginny says I’m the best kisser in the whole school, and she should know.” Jack swooned and pitched into a fit of weed-fueled giggles.

Will dove at him and pushed him off the other side of the bed. “It’s not funny, arsehole. I’m the only gay in the whole bloody town. I’m going to die a virgin at this rate.”

Jack hit the floor with a thump. He lay there a moment, still laughing, then hauled himself back onto the bed. “Chill out, mate. No one said anything about bonking.”

Will tried to grin. Chill out. Yeah, right. Jack had been taking the piss since that stupid bloody bottle had put the idea of them kissing in his daft head. “You’re not funny.”

Jack sobered and stared with an expression Will couldn’t decipher. “I wasn’t joking, at least not about the kissing part. We’re friends, right? Ginny and Meg snog all the time.”

He had a point. The girls were always messing around with each other, and Will had often watched them and maligned the fact that girls had it easy... from his point of view, at least. They could do whatever they wanted and no one cared. It would be a different story if Will jumped on Jack in the middle of the park. Snogged his face off and squeezed his arse.

So why not do it here? No one will ever know.

Pick up the book here: 
Tour Date: 12/23/14

Rafflecopter play is good clean fun...

Thank you
Pride Promotions

Monday, December 22, 2014

Three ways to keep you in the holiday mood... #mmholidayromance

This is the week...just 3 more days and it will be Christmas! Want to extend the holiday season a little? Get a little more love and joy out of it, perhaps? Check out these holiday books to help keep your spirit burning bright. :)

Christmas in His Heart
Christmastime brings joy to hearts everywhere. Between snow angels, festive clothing, holiday decorations, and of course, all the beautiful lights, it’s hard not to partake in the season.

Unless you no longer have Christmas in your heart.

Dermot Alasdair has never shared the horrific memories that keep him from celebrating the happiest time of the year, nor does he ever plan to. He’s fine being alone and shut off from everyone; he has his restaurant and that’s all he needs. He believes that, too…until the craft store next door from his eatery hires a perpetually smiling annoyance. Really, it isn’t normal for someone to be that happy all the time.

Xander Leahman didn’t know what he was getting into when he accepted an invitation to visit his best friend and help her interview people for the newly created position of manager at Craft Time. When a surly man bumps into him and then walks away with an enticing sway to his hips, Xander decides the position—and Dermot—are perfect for him. Now all he can think of is finding ways to get Dermot out of his clothes. Well that, and how to open this grinch’s heart to the Christmas season and, hopefully, love.

My new release with Lee Brazil...A lovable grinch in need of a little holiday magic.

Trace of Christmas Spirit
Since his brother's death, Camden’s yearly road trip to celebrate Christmas with his parents has turned to nothing more than drudgery. With his holiday spirit gone, this is the last year he will subject himself to their narrow-minded views on his life.

But Cam’s world takes a left turn when he gets snowed-in with the eccentric and way-too-jolly Trace. Maybe…just maybe spirits can be revived and the joy of Christmas reclaimed.

This book was originally published December 2011 in the anthology And The Prompt Is...Holiday Edition with the Story Orgy. Though the base story remains intact, it has been edited again, enhanced from its original version. I hope you enjoy this new version and thank you.

Melting Jack Frost
Melting Jack Frost
When Jack Frost is not happy that means no white Christmas for anyone. Parker Pendle, Jack's lover and Santa's head elf, is determined to put the snowflakes back in the air, and more importantly, back in his lover's eyes.

Meds N' Mistletoe
Michel's life was stolen from him when his boyfriend fraudulently committed him to a mental institution with aspirations of stealing his trust fund. Now, Michel is on the run after breaking out. A twig of mistletoe and a kiss from a stranger might be the key to showing Michel that he didn't lose the best things in his life this holiday season.

Secret Needs
When you step through the doors of the Sanctuary, your desires are never truly hidden. Brant learns this lesson when the sexy man in the corner decides to be his personal secret Santa and prove he can satisfy those secret needs.

Caution: These are "flash" short stories to give you a sexy serving of holiday cheer—Story Orgy style. Please understand they are each under five thousand words... just a bit of a nibble and jingle of holiday goodness.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Book Blast: A Paranormal Chipmunk Christmas @PridePromo @JackieNacht #mustread #bookcontest

About Jackie Nacht:
Short, sexy and sweet— where a little love goes a long way.

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s stories. She was introduced to M/M Romance through her sister, Stephani, and read it for years. Then, she thought it was time to put her own stories on paper. Jackie began writing short and sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after.

Thinking back to her own book addiction, where there were many nights Jackie stayed up way too late so she could read just one more chapter— yeah, right— Jackie decided to write short romances for young adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give high school and college students, or working men and women something they can read during their lunch hour, in between classes or just when they want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of everyday life.

Find Jackie here:

A Paranormal Chipmunk Christmas
Cover Artist: Zathyn Priest
Publisher: MLR Press

We've got blurbage:
It's time for the chipmunk brothers to take their bear and wolf home to meet the family for the holidays.

A vicious horde of chipmunks? Dallas and Gunner knew that meeting their mate's family wasn't going to be a walk in the park. How could it be when they had eighteen brothers and sisters? This bear and wolf are about to be put to the test, surviving this family holiday. Will they be able to escape just the four of them or will they be taking some of the siblings back to White Pine...involuntarily?

Categories: Holiday, Paranormal, Contemporary

And a sneak peek:
Chapter One

Gunner gripped the armrest, stale air brushing over his face from the tiny fan above. He fucking hated to fly, he really did, but the destination was well worth it in the end. His mate, Phillip, sat next to him, smiling out the window as they flew toward Atlanta. Phillip and Nikko had grown up there and their mother had invited him and Dallas to spend the holidays with them. Gunner was all too excited to meet the family of his mate. Phillip talked about them often and Skyped with them frequently. Gunner had talked to a few of them, but he had a feeling that he was ill prepared for meeting eighteen of Phillip’s brothers and sisters.

The plane tilted, and Gunner blew out a breath, feeling his stomach churn, his eyes frantically searching for the tiny bag in the pouch in front of him but coming up empty. The seats had seen better days, and he focused on the tear in the corner of the seat in front of him until the plane leveled off, praying he didn’t throw up in his mate’s lap.

A hand touched Gunner’s sweaty one, and he glanced over at Phillip, who eyed him with concern. “Didn’t you take the Dramamine?”

Gunner swallowed thickly. “I took three.”

“Three!” Phillip shouted in alarm, turning toward him. “You’re supposed to take one, no more than two.”

“I thought…” I was going to crash and die. “Being a bigger guy, it wouldn’t work, and it hasn’t.”

“When did you take it?” Phillip placed his soft hands to his forehead. Silly chipmunk, Gunner wasn’t running a fever, just feeling the effects of motion sickness and fear take hold of him. He might be a bit clammy, but hot he was not.

“Right before we took off, and I’m a big guy. It goes by weight.” Gunner blew out a quivering breath.

Phillip was staring at him, shaking his head as if he’d lost his damn mind. “You’re a doctor…”

“Dentist,” Gunner interrupted.

“You know better. This is going to knock you on your ass,” Phillip hissed at him. Gunner wasn’t sure what Phillip was worried about. His mate should be reading the damn emergency brochure because they were starting to have turbulence.

Oh shit! We’re gonna die!

Nikko stared at them from across the aisle. “What the hell is your problem? It’s not that bad.”

Not that bad.

He was going launch himself out of the seat and choke his brother-in-law. That is if he could unglue his hands from the armrest. Like the pieces of plastic would save him if they plummeted to their death, but the grips were a damn security blanket for him right now, so screw it.

Dallas shook his head from next to Nikko. “He hates to fly.”

“Well, it’s all fun and games until we’re dragging his ass all over Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. You know how big that airport is. Did you hear how much motion sickness medicine he took?” Nikko tattled on him to Dallas.

“They have a train,” Phillip defended him.

Nikko gave his brother an incredulous stare. “Then you carry him to the train yourself. By the time you’re through, you’ll look like fucking road kill.”

Pick up the book here: 

Tour Date: 12/19/14

Rafflecopter play is good clean fun...

Thank you
Pride Promotions

Monday, December 15, 2014

Book Blast: Ilya and the Wolf @PridePromo @RoryNi #mustread #bookcontest

About Rory Ni Coileain: Rory Ni Coileain majored in creative writing, back when Respectable Colleges didn't offer such a major, so she designed it herself - being careful to ensure that she never had to take a class before nine in the morning or take a Hemingway survey course. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa at the age of nineteen, sent off her first short story to an anthology being assembled by an author she idolized, got shot down in flames, and found other things to do, such as nightclub singing, for the next thirty years or so, until her stories started whispering to her. Now she's a lawyer, a legal editor, an Irish dance teacher, the mother of a teenaged son, and amanuensis to a host of fantastic creatures who are all anxious to tell their stories.

Find Rory here:

Ilya and the Wolf
Cover Artist: Paul Richmond
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

We've got blurbage:
Ilya is so deep in the closet he’d find Narnia if that weren’t a decadent Western story. Volyk, a wolf who carries the blood of the ancient oboroten’, shapeshifters, longs to show him the way out, but if Ilya follows the wolf, two lives will change forever.

And a sneak peek:
And the angel said unto them, be not afraid...

Ilya was not afraid. Enraptured, yes. Entranced. But not afraid. He had been ready for death when he closed his eyes in the wolf’s embrace. Instead, he was whole, and awake, and in the arms of a man more handsome than any angel. Volyk’s long thick hair was the brown and gray of the wolf’s pelt, his cheekbones angular, his lips full. And his eyes were the same beautiful fiery amber as the wolf’s.

Maybe he had only dreamed the wolf. Or maybe he was still dreaming. Surely he had done nothing in his life to earn the gift this moment would be if it were real.

Pick up the book here: 

Tour Date: 12/15/14

Rafflecopter play is good clean fun...

Thank you
Pride Promotions

Book Blast: Wild R Christmas @PridePromo @Silvia_Violet #mustread #mmromance #bookcontest

About Silvia Violet: Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including paranormal, contemporary, sci fi, and historical. She can be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like "Do you write children's books?" She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she's actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinfully delicious treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading to her incorrigible offspring.

Silvia's good about playing well with others...check her out here:
For a list of Silvia’s available titles:

Wild R Christmas
Cover Artist: Meredith Russell

We've got blurbage:
Every year Cole Wilder hosts a big Christmas dinner for all the employees of Wild R Farm, and every year he takes on too many responsibilities then ends up exhausted and even more cranky than usual. This year, Cole’s husband, Jonah, is determined things will be different. Not only is he having their bathroom renovated to add a little luxury to their lives, he’s got plans to whisk Cole away for a Christmas vacation. But getting Cole to agree to let their ebullient friend, Tristan, organize Christmas at the farm is easier said that done.

Tristan promises to take perfect care of the farm, but as soon as Cole and Jonah leave, chaos ensues—couples fighting, construction disasters, kitchen woes. The only thing keeping confessed Christmas-o-phile, Tristan, merry is his boyfriend, Wes. He knows exactly what Tristan needs so they can pull the whole Wild R Farm crew together for the happiest Christmas they’ve ever had.

Categories: Contemporary, Western/Cowboy, M/M Romance, Romance, Paranormal

And a sneak peek:
“Wes! Come help me!” Tristan shouted.

Wes pushed himself up from the couch where he’d been doing research for his latest case. “Just a sec.”

When he stepped into the hall, he froze in disbelief. Tristan was stuck in the doorway with at least three shopping bags in each hand. “What did you do?”

Tristan looked at him like he was a simpleton. “I went shopping.”

Wes sighed as he held the door open so Tristan could push through. Then he followed his lover to the living room where Tristan dropped the bags in the middle of the floor and plopped down beside them.

“I thought you went for a run. What the hell were you doing shopping on the day after Thanksgiving?”

Tristan again stared at Wes like maybe he’d been replaced by an alien, one without much brainpower. “Buying Christmas decorations, of course.”

“Christmas decorations?” Wes did not want to consider the possibility that all those bags were full of Santas, reindeer, and glittery balls. Tristan’s balls were all Wes required this Christmas.

“Sure. I thought we could put them up this afternoon.” Wes’s horror grew as Tristan pulled out a red and green sweater. “Look what I got for Cole.” Tristan held up the offensive garment and Wes fought the urge to shrink backward. On the front was a wolf in a Santa suit surrounded by sheep wearing elf hats. It said “A Wolf in Santa’s Clothing.”

“That is… hideous.”

Tristan laughed. “I know. Isn’t it fantastic?”

“Tris, look… I don’t—”

“Check these out.” He held up lights shaped like reindeer. “They even blink.”

Wes knew arguing with Tristan was useless but he felt compelled to make a small effort anyway. “I usually just put a wreath on the door.”

Tristan gave him an innocent look, the little bastard. “Really?”


“Oh, it’s just a few little things,” Tristan said, clearly unconcerned about Wes’s frustration.

“Tell me you don’t have an album of cats meowing Christmas songs in there.”

Tristan put his hands on his hips, which looked ridiculous with him sitting on the floor surrounded by Christmas decor. “How insulting! Do you really not know I prefer the barking dogs? I find cats too… slinky.”

Wes groaned. “You’re going to be even more impossible than usual from now until Christmas, aren’t you?”

“I’m going to be festive.”

“A tree, stockings, maybe a few other small items. That’s festive enough. I can’t live in the middle of North Pole Central.”

Tristan rolled his eyes. “Stop being such a scrooge.”

“Tristan, I will not—”

Tristan’s sly, sexy grin derailed Wes’s train of thought. “I’m sure I can change your mind.”

“You’re always so damn sure you can get your way.” And all too often he was right.

Tristan crawled across the floor, and talk about slinky, he looked more jaguar than stallion. Wes’s cock took immediate notice. Wes dropped his legs open, knowing Tristan was playing him but not caring. No matter how annoyed he was, he wasn’t going to turn his man down. Tristan settled himself between Wes’s thighs and put his hand on the fastening of his jeans. He caught Wes’s gaze, green eyes twinkling. “Christmas is the season of giving, sweetheart. Just tell me what you’d like me to give.”

“You’re offering sex in exchange for turning the house into Tacky Christmas Wonderland?”

Tristan popped Wes’s snap. “I am. Tell me what you want.”

“Tristan.” Wes tried to sound ominous but probably just sounded horny as hell.

Tristan slid his zipper down, not easy in that position considering how hard Wes was. He licked his lips and looked into Wes’s eyes. “You want to tie me up? Paddle me? Tell me what it’s gonna cost.”

Wes’s breath caught as Tristan ran a finger over his cock, which was still trapped behind his boxer briefs. “This is insane.”

“I give something, you give something. What’s insane about that?” With a mischievous smile, Tristan opened Wes’s jeans wider and pulled his cock free.

*fans face* um... Okay—pick this amazing book up here: 

Blast Date: 12/15/14

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