
Monday, November 30, 2015

When two Cyber Monday sales combine…this is gonna be good! #booksales

What happens when you put your books on sale for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend and then All Romance e-books decides to have a 50% rebate sale on top of that?!?!?!?

Look at the prices after the rebates!
There are freebie reads…
loads of $1 reads…
a whole buncha 50% off reads…
Look at the authors on this antho!!!
and Christmas reads to put you in more than one type of mood *waggles*...
Holy hot reads, batman…now is the time to splurge on something for you…and maybe pick up some for your friends too! *wink wink*

Wowza these sales just make me want to dance. :)

Book Blast: Never Too Early: Full Circle @chris_owen @ToryTemple @PridePromo @torquere

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

Never Too Early: Full Circle
Chris Owen and Tory Temple
Series: Never Too Early, book three – must be read in order
Release date: November 25, 2015

Book Blast: Magic & Mistletoe @AJacobs_fiction @PridePromo #gayholidayromance

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

Magic & Mistletoe
Annabelle Jacobs
Release date: November 30, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Book Blast: Legal Briefs @KyanChristopher @PridePromo #boyxboy

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

Legal Briefs
Kyan Christopher
Series: Bathhouse Stories, book three – can be read as a standalone, though characters from the first two do show up. Read books one and two for more information on them.
Release date: November 28, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Hearts of Parkerburg stories in @HEAusatoday @leebrazil @MrsConditReview #gayholidayreads

How freaking awesome is that?!?!?!?

“Havan Fellows and Lee Brazil have written together and separately for a long time, and this little Christmas novella is a perfect example of why I love their collaboration… This is a great pair of books to read for the holidays. Both will soothe your holiday romantic soul.”  ~Becky Condit

Haven’t read them yet? Well this is your lucky weekend…from 11/27-11/30 they are on sale at ARe…find them under the tag #pagebuster with other books on sale.

The great thing about these books is that they are standalone—you can read them together or separately.

#pagebuster sale at ARe @leebrazil #mustread @allromance

It’s Black Friday and all the brick and mortar stores are having their "door buster" sales…
For those of you that need a break from the hustle and bustle of extreme shopping…come to Lee Brazil and my #pagebuster sale! :)

Seriously…All Romance e-books is having a Black Friday event with over 20,000 books 25%...but Lee and I went one step over and have over two dozen books anywhere from 25% off all the way to FREE!!!

This sale is going on until Cyber Monday…so swing on buy and stock up…because even though it’s the season to give, ain’t it nice to give yourself a little HEA also? *waggles brows*

And yes…our holiday releases in the Hearts of Parkerburg stories are also on sale…they are standalone novellas, but read so well together! Pick them up today. :)

Book Tour: The Servant Duchess of Whitcomb @VVeeB @PridePromo @dreamspinners

Get ready…get set…READ…

The Servant Duchess of Whitcomb
Vicktor Alexander
Series: The Scandalous Whispers of the Remmington Realm
Release date: November 27, 2015

Book Blast: Trouble Comes in Threes @dreamspinners @PridePromo #mustread

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

Trouble Comes in Threes
M.A. Church

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Book Tour: In the Company of Men @lynnlorenz @PridePromo @HartwoodBooks #mustread

Get ready…get set…READ…

The Mercenary’s Tale, Jackson’s Pride, Baymore’s Heir, His Duke’s Gift, Silent Lodge
Lynn Lorenz
Series: In the Company of Men, book 1-5
Release date: September 2015 – December 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Kindle Fire and Hearts of Parkerburg stories for the holiday #mustread @leebrazil

So Lee Brazil and I have started our blog tour this past week for our new release Heart on the Run. :)

This is the next book in our Hearts of Parkerburg series—and the cool thing is these books do not need to be read in any specific order…

Of course with all collections of books it is always nice to read them in order they are published…but we made sure these novels are self-contained…so if you didn’t read Christmas in His Heart you don’t have to fear, you can pop in whenever you want…lol

Here are the blogs we visited this past week…each one has something new and fun from us…and you can enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win a new Kindle Fire loaded with books from us. :)

Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words – where Sprocket tries to share Chaz’s goodies.
MM Good Book Reviews – Lee and I talk about our ideal writing cave :)

Parker Williams – always love visiting our writing buddy and taking over his blog
Bayou Book Junkies – tour Parkerburg for the day…and a great 4.5 star review!

Cheekypee reads and reviews – we’re talking about our plans for Parkerburg, and calling it a series now

Book Blast: Love in Uniform @torquere @PridePromo

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

Love in Uniform
Various Authors
Editor: Paige Prince
Authors: Angora Shade, Kay C. Sulli, DC Juris, Jean Wolfe, Shannen Malone, Kassandra Lea, Dale Cameron Lowry, Louise Blaydon, and Aiden McKenna
Release date: November 11, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

Book Blast: 959 Brenton Street @ThiannaDurston @PridePromo @dreamspinners #mustread

Get ready…get set…let’s blast…

959 Brenton Street
Thianna Durston
Series: Men of Falcon Pointe, book 1
Release date: November 20, 2015