
Friday, May 30, 2014

Time to shop for books! #AReRebateSale

All Romance e-books is having an awesome sale for Indie Authors!

50% rebate on all Indie Author titles - today only!! - all you have to do is use the hashtag
During check-out and every Indie Author book you have in your bag will get a 50% rebate...did I say this was awesome or what?!?!?

So my ARe bestseller Hidden Needs is only $1.49 and you could get half of that back if you grab it today!

In fact I've got a whole lot of books you can use this rebate on...

Didn't I say this is awesome-sauce!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Getting to know Hidden Needs...

A huge thank you to my readers! My newest release Hidden Needs is not only a bestseller at All Romance e-books...but it is working its way up there at Amazon also! I can't tell you how bouncy I am right now...
Here's the blurb and first chapter...just in case you want in on the *cough cough* action...warning though—this is slightly on the BDSM side...considering it is the first in the Secrets of the Sanctuary series...and Sanctuary is an oh-so-special type of club *winks*.
Oh...and another warning—Hidden Needs has two very alpha men who don't always play by the've been warned...

Archer Hehnier is a hard-core businessman through and through. He's not afraid to make the merciless decisions, to put in the long hours, to lose himself in his work for the greater good of his company and his clients…even if it means losing a piece of himself in the process. But when does a man with a mind always turning at two hundred rotations per second get his personal needs met?

Dalton is an uncompromising businessman, who could, no doubt, go toe-to-toe with Archer in the boardroom—but that's not the room Dalton wants to tackle Archer in.

With a little help from his friends at the premier BDSM club, The Sanctuary, Dalton hopes to fulfill every one of Archer's hidden needs.

**Previously released as part of the Don't Read in the Closet V.II M/M Romance Collection in 2011. Since then it has been reworked and edited for your reading enjoyment.

Find Hidden Needs at Amazon and ARe

Chapter One
I watched him walk in exactly at seven. You could set your watch by him. I knew his routine—bar for a double scotch neat then a corner table for two, but only he would occupy it. As usual on Thursdays, he ordered the fisherman's catch: salmon, a spring salad with strawberries, and steamed baby veggies. The only starch he allowed to pass between those thin sharp lips tonight was a well-buttered roll, no potatoes for my man, and no alcohol with dinner either. He favored water with fresh squeezed lime and was very adamant with the server about the simple fact lemon was not a substitution.

Even at this late hour and having put in a full day of numbers, his attire was never mussed—Armani was safe on his capable body. I couldn't wait for him to roll in here Friday. It was my favorite day to see him. He broke away from his favored charcoals and wore color. The third Friday of the month…hmm…oh yes, green. Love him in his deep green suit with the lighter shade silk shirt and tie.

I always found it amusing how everyone maneuvered around his table, purposely walking on the other side of tables out of their way. My man had an aura about him, sort of a "back the fuck off before I eradicate you with just my thoughts" type of thing going on. Of course he wouldn't curse. Foul language was beneath someone who could make a grown man cry with just a cock of the eyebrow.

Yes…Archer Hehnier was a badass in constant control of his surroundings. All of them. From the strangers that walked in and out of his life to the paid help at his overpriced house. I even suspected that he had a way of turning all the traffic lights green on his drive home, but hadn't been able to test that theory yet.

So why did I eat at this same restaurant practically every night and memorize his routine? Simple, he had something I wanted, and I had something he needed. And I do believe that green Friday would be the day I explain this to him. That should be interesting.

Oops, that waitress's mascara was going to run—he likes limes not lemons. One more casualty, management should know not to send the sensitive ones to his table; they're nothing but cannon fodder for him.

I finished the rest of my dirty martini, a drink Arch would gasp at, and hooked the extra olive I requested with my tongue, sucking it into my mouth and rolling it around. The idea of applying that very same principle to Arch appealed to me greatly, so much so, in fact, that my own pressed slacks were becoming a tad bit snug. Unfortunately, I had to wait at least another forty-eight hours before I would be able to act out my furtive fantasy life. I figured the first night for Arch to verbally berate me, and the second night for him to do other things with his wicked mouth.

Oh yes, he wouldn't go willingly, not Mr. Ice King. He'd explain in no uncertain, albeit politically correct, terms exactly what I could do with myself. But like I said, I had something he needed, and I was certain that I was the one to make his body usurp his mind. Oh the benefits when that happened would be good.

But for now, I had an early meeting with a new client, so I had to bid adieu to my man. I waved over my waitress, and yes, her mascara had smudged up some thanks to Arch, and handed her a hundred dollar bill. When she offered to bring the change back, I waved her off. What can I say? I was a sentimental guy, and when my future lover was a tad bit more hostile than the situation called for, I didn't mind making amends. She was a good server, and at the end of the night, she would remember her forty-five dollar tip first, and the tedious, lime-loving customer second.

I smiled as I headed out of the restaurant. All was right in my world, and tomorrow all would be even better.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Let's chat...K.C. Wells @IslandTalesPres @PridePromo #bookcontest

Thank you K.C. Wells for stopping by once again to chat with me about your new Collars and Cuffs book A Dance with Domination. Bonus—K.C. even agreed to answer a few questions too. :)

Let the fun begin...

You've got a new idea and a deadline sit down to your blank screen/paper...what is the first thing you do? (i.e. graph out book, choose names, outline chapters, format page?)
This has changed in the last few books. I open up a page and sit and think about my characters. I sketch out the physical details, then I begin to write about their back story, what has bought them to this point.
Then I work out the outline of the story. This can change as I go through, and I have been known to make a few deviations along the way. :P
If I’m planning with Will Parkinson, the planning is a lot more thorough, because I like to eliminate any problems before they appear.
I work using Scrivener, so next I set up the page with my font, spacing, etc.
Then we’re good to go!

When I go play bingo with sis she has a whole slew of little knick knacks that she sets up for "luck" you have any type of must-haves when writing? A fave pen? Coffee mug you absolutely have to use?
When I’m at home, the coffee goes on! And yes, I have a coffee mug…
I have the cutest little horse (Bullseye from Toy Story) and he sits by my laptop, staring at me. It’s good to stare back at him – helps me focus sometimes.

Are you a pantser or plotter – tell us how it works for you.
Hmmm – think I covered this in question 1! LOL
And there is the problem with being a pantser instead of a didn't even occur to me that this could be repeated *heads desk*

Tell us the best quality AND the worst quality about A Dance with Domination
It’s a very different book, compared to the previous three. It’s good that there is more BDSM in it, but it is still a love story with BDSM attached. What’s good about it? You get to meet all the characters in their different roles, in a world where they all play a part. You get to hear more of Leo’s story, you see Pietro and Miles at home and at play, you get to see how Alex and Peter have grown and blossomed…
The worst? It’s not out in hardback! ;)

Drop all your modesty and sell yourself to us...tell me why a new reader should give your book a go.
Because I am a hopeless romantic and my books reflect that.  My characters will go through some stuff before they reach their HEA, but you’d better believe they’re gonna get there!
Because my secondary characters aren’t there to prop up the story – they’re really important to the story. And that matters to me. When I get readers asking if a character will get their own story, I know I’ve done something right.
The story is important. I like my stories to be realistic, detailed and varied.  And with the Collars & Cuffs series, every one of the seven or eight books planned is different.
Well you sold let's hear about this must read!

Recently returned to the UK after living in the States since he was eleven, Andrew Barrett is determined to keep busy and make a new life for himself. He works full time as a copywriter and strips at a club on Canal Street on weekends. But it still leaves him too much time to think. Then he finds the BDSM club, Collars & Cuffs, where at twenty-nine, he is their youngest Dom. Young doesn't mean inexperienced, however. All this activity keeps him focused with no time to dwell on the past. But the past has a way of intruding on the present.

It's been four long years since Gareth Michaels last set foot inside Collars & Cuffs. But when he finally summons his courage and steps back into his former world, he finds the man who drove him away is still a member, and what’s more, he wants Gareth back. Two men in pain need the freedom they find in each other, but it takes another man's horrific plans to make them see it.

Follow K.C. Wells on her blog tour and learn new things about her along the way!
Tour Dates: May 23 – June 20
Tour Stops:
May 27: Havan Fellows
May 29: MM Good Books
June 2: Jade Crystal
June 6: Cate Ashwood
June 10: Kimi-Chan
June 18: Louise Lyons

Here's the Rafflecopter fun!

Thank you Pride Promotions for another great must read!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Story Orgy Monday...Farewells & Greetings pt. 1

Happy Story Orgy Monday!
. .
So...about three years ago I did a prompt short story with the Story Orgy. It was well received and I was told more than once I should write a sequel. That story was Farewell – a short story about a man named Dwight who mourned his true love's death six months earlier and had some bad ideas in his head...until his true love visits him and sets him straight *coughs* in more than one way.

Well...if all goes well, this prompt story I give to you now just might be that sequel...let's hope *crosses fingers*

This week's prompt:  A year after your death...

And now for your reading pleasure… 

Farewells & Greetings
**just a working title**
pt. 1
copyright © 2014 Havan Fellows

"It's a year after your death and I think I'm happy with another man. Makes me sound callous, right, Riley?"

Dwight Phinneas sat on his ass with his legs crossed, square in the middle of the love of his life's grave.

A hand rested on his shoulder and he looked up, smiling at quite possibly the other love of his life, Pip Gonzalez.

Pip was short for Pipsqueak, the nickname his older brother gave him growing up that Pip liked so much he kept. That was just one of his quirks...if you considered the twenty-two piercings and tattoos all over his body as quirks.

"What do you mean, think?" Pip winked down at him.

That was a surprising trait of Pip's. To look at him you could label him one of many not so charming things. He fit into so many clichéd boxes—anything from bad ass trouble maker to wannabe individual with a chip on his shoulder so he mutilates his body to make him just like every other wannabe individual with a chip on his shoulder.

Funny part was, Pip didn't have a chip on his shoulder. The world didn't owe him a damn thing and he thoroughly enjoyed living in this fucked up place. People delighted him and he loved his family, even when his Memaw demanded no spiked hair around her and his six year old cousin enjoyed coloring all over his back with washable markers, creating new scenery for the dragon tattoo there.

Dwight laughed up at Pip. "Go away, this is my time with Riley. Isn't your mom waiting for you?" He gestured in the general direction he knew Pip's mother's grave was.

"Yeah, but so is Barry. Dude, I have much more fun with you than I do him." Pip winked.

Barry Gonzalez was the nicknaming older brother. Him and Pip visited their mother's grave on a regular basis, especially on the six month anniversary dates.

"Anyway, it's thanks to Riley you met me. I think I should chat with him too." Pip bent his legs and squatted down next to Dwight. "He obviously has excellent taste in men if he picked me for you."

It might've sounded to an eavesdropper that Pip was completely whacked out of his mind, but Dwight knew he spoke the truth. The best part was when—in a moment of despair—when Dwight explained to Pip what happened six months ago, his new boyfriend had absolutely no problems believing him.

Today marked the one year anniversary of Riley Marksham's death. They were driving home one night when a car full of drunk teenagers missed a red light and...Dwight walked away from the accident with minimal bruising, Riley got a gravestone.

Six months ago Dwight made plans to join Riley. Funny thing was, Riley had different plans for Dwight, ones that included a tattooed and pierced funny guy named Pip.

Before that night Dwight always hated tattoos and piercings on a person. Not so much anymore.

Dwight pointed again and tried to use a stern voice on his boyfriend. "Go."

Leaned toward Dwight, Pip planted a kiss on his temple. "Fine, but if Barry bores me to death you'll have two two graves to visit next six months."

"That's morbid!"

"Yeah, cool huh?" Pip chuckled and popped back up to his feet, pausing at Riley's gravestone. "Thanks for sharing your boyfriend with me. I love him. But you already knew I would, right?"

Dwight gasped as Pip patted the marble before walking off to his mother's grave, not looking back at Dwight even once.

"God Riley, so much has happened since I visited you last April. You got a few moments and I'll try to explain?"

To be cont'd...
If you like this story and would like to read the prompt short story is available at Amazon, Smashwords and ARe.
Don't forget to check out the great stories on my fellow orgiast's blogs! :)

Lee Brazil's story: click here
Hank Edwards' story: 
click here

Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's Chat...Con Riley @con_riley @PridePromo #bookcontest

I shared with you previously Con Riley's beautifully classic feeling cover for her new book Recovery...well I want to share more with you now—and I was lucky enough to get the wonderful Con to answer a few questions too *winks*

So let's dig into this now I want cookies *heads desk* lol

A quick hello about Con RileyCon Riley lives on the wild and rugged Devonshire coast, with her head in the clouds, and her feet in the Atlantic Ocean.

Injury curtailed her enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, so writing fiction now fills her free time instead. Love, loss, and redemption shape her romance stories, and her characters are flawed in ways that makes them live and breathe.

When not people watching, or wrangling her own boy band of teen sons, she spends time staring at the sea from her kitchen window. If you see her, don't disturb her—she's probably thinking up new plots.

Find Con Riley here:

And now for the interrogation...muahahahah *coughs and sips coffee* sorry, lost it there for a moment lol...

Question time:
What is your writing regimen? Do you have a certain word count you have to hit daily? Are you flexible with your writing times or strict?
I’m a little unusual in that I don’t have a year-round writing regimen, and I avoid specific word-count targets. Numbers scare me!
Like many authors, I have a day job that demands much of my time and attention. Thankfully I’m extraordinarily lucky; I love my work. It’s valuable, rewarding, and fills my heart as well as my head. So, writing happens in fits and starts, squashed between day-job deadlines. Last year I worked part time, and I wrote a lot. This year, I’ve worked full time, so I’ve written less. I’ll be working part time again next year, so I’ll enjoy the luxury of a little extra time to finish some writing projects.

Where do you get your ideas from?
I’ve had an interesting and varied career working with families under pressure. The people who had the most profound impact on me — the ones who left lingering impressions — find their way into my books.

Are you a pantser or plotter – tell us how it works for you.
I hoard story ideas like treasure. I note down every passing thought on my phone, and then mentally turn them over and over until I’m sure the story is fully formed. I write the last line of the story on a Post-it and stick it on the wall next to my desk. That visual reminder of my ultimate goal is my entire plan. 
Do you prefer unusual names for your characters or classic names? List a few of each that you've used.
I had a very narrow escape with an unusual character name in my first book. The Internet lied to me about a name’s authenticity. AFTER BEN was midway through the production process when a friend read an ARC and told me I needed to change it. Talk about a lucky escape!

Since then, I double and triple check my name choices. I use census records to ensure they are appropriate for the age of the character, and I try to make surnames region-specific too, if I can.

Choosing some names can be easy.  Joel, Morgan, and Jamie were names I simply knew were right. Gabe and Ariel in SALVAGE belonged together right from the get-go. Other names take forever to select. One character in RECOVERY had three names before I settled on a final choice. Poor guy!

I’ve learned to keep an ongoing list of names. After five novels I’m running out of easy choices!

You've hit a wall in the story you're do you blow that obstacle out of your way?
I can’t recall hitting a wall in a story, but I have struggled with epilogues. I’ve had to rewrite several from scratch, and on reflection the reason is obvious: I never want the story to end!

The ending of RECOVERY has made every reader so far cry. Pushing through that wall to give the book an ending that connects with readers on an emotional level is worth the struggle.

Thank you for having me!

And thank you for coming back to us...*winks*

Now...a book that can bring me to tears...this is a book that piques my interest! Let's hear a bit about it...

Now...for the blurbage:
San Diego is a city of second chances for Jamie Carlson. His new career as a photographer is taking off, and with the support of a loving surrogate family, he’s finally putting his party years behind him. The Bailey family helped him solve his drinking problem, but there’s no easy solution to staying sober now that Belle Bailey’s dying. Her last wish is a challenge Jamie can't overcome without help.

Solving problems is Daniel Priest’s specialty. More than twenty years older than Jamie, he’s successful and experienced. He makes his living resolving corporate crises—but his personal life has been far from perfect. Now that his marriage is over, Daniel’s determined to make up for lost time. One night with Jamie isn’t nearly enough for him.

Daniel’s honest offer of help is more than Jamie expects from a one-time hookup. Even so, fulfilling Belle’s last wish is a tall order. Repairing her damaged family as she requests proves difficult when Jamie has to face his own past as well.

Jamie could risk his hard-won recovery by admitting why he hit rock bottom in the first place. If he wants a future with Daniel, he'll have to address those reasons head-on.

Pick up your copy of Recovery here:

All the cool places that Con Riley will be:
Tour Dates: May 19 - 23
Tour Stops:

Now for the around with Rafflecopter link and see if you can get lucky *winks*

And a great big smack dabbing thank you to
Pride Promotions for again making it possible to be here with you... :)