
Friday, July 4, 2014

I'm at @threeflynns this week! #guestblogging

I'm so excited! Erin Flynn not only let me stretch and purr all over her blog this week...but she also made me this kick assets (OMG OMG OMG isn't it soooooo freaking purdy?) banner that I snagged...but don't tell her I took it, I don't want her coming after me and spank a matter of fact head over there right now and rat me out! *winks*

On Tuesday I infiltrated her beautiful space and teased you guys right alongside her...that's right...we each seduced you with a snippet of our works in progress. I won't even hint to the fact we did it with only our naughty words and capable clothing allowed.

Today I'm over there talking about how I get in the mood. What mood? Well you'll have to head on over there and find out.

So, thank you Erin for having me and thank you all for stopping by and seeing me over there...leave a comment too, if the mood strikes you. ;)

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