So…in honor of my
first solo release, Emery's Ritches…I've decided to celebrate
by talking to some very talented authors about their first solo release! *giggles*
You see…it isn't all about me all the time…but I do love weaseling my way into
the action most of the time…hehe
Today I have been
joined by not only talent but beauty as well. She has knocked my socks off with
her wit and charm and she has knocked other things off with her talent and
va-va-va-voom...*winks*...Let me introduce you to the fabulous author...Silvia Violet!
*blushes* Thanks for
that amazing introduction, Havan. I'm thrilled to be here with you.
We are going to
discuss Silvia's very first M/M release...*bites knuckle and grins*...dude I
love saying that *swoons*...sorry *hangs head* Back to Silvia and her first M/M
release... Sex
on the Hoof...
And OMG does that
title not just knock your assets out? I gotta did you get this
freaking awesomeness of a title?
*giggles*I'm glad you like it. One of the
things I love about this series is being able to be a little silly and play
with puns. As I thought about funny things someone might say to a deer shifter
hero, referring to him as "Sex on the Hoof" came to me immediately,
and I knew I had to use it for the title.
Okay...I kinda jumped
ahead with that Sex on the Hoof is a part of a
series for Changeling Press right—the Protect and Serve series? Tell us about it easy to take place in a multi authored series? Do your characters
make appearances in other author's books and what is your take on that?
I love being part of this multi-author series,
because the other authors are fun to work with and their stories rock. The
experience of writing for the Protect and Serve series has been easy for me,
because the elements that link our stories are fairly simple. All the books
have a shapeshifter as a hero or heroine, and one of the heroes or heroines is
cop, firefighter, EMT or other uniformed service personnel. We have a group
where we discuss certain world-building elements so we don't contradict each
other, but we have a lot of autonomy for our own stories.
*grins* I'm always
happy to talk about my Protect and Serve boys. Sex on the Hoof is actually the second book I wrote for the
series. The first, Savage Wolf, is an
m/f story starring Jason's sister, Natalie. My third book is Paws on Me which stars Drew's Lieutenant, Seth, and a
bear shifter. *sigh* I do love bears. Big, strong, furry….where was I? Oh
right. I'm working on a fourth book which will also star Drew and Jason. Are
you ready for the title?......Hoofin' it to the Altar. It will be available in
late summer or early fall.

*pets Havan*
Withdrawal is hard, isn't it? Sending Drew and Jason out into the wide world
was difficult, but they're big strong guys and so far, they've done okay.*grins*
Looking back—now that
you have more experience under your belt—would you change anything about Sex
on the Hoof or your way of handling its release?
I know a lot more m/m writers and resources
like blogs, review sites, etc now than I did then, so I'd have a clearer plan
about where and how to let everyone know that Drew and Jason were ready for
their persual or….um….reading pleasure.
If you had to turn your virgin experience of publishing your book into an erotic novel what would you title it?
If you had to turn your virgin experience of publishing your book into an erotic novel what would you title it?
Jump In and Get Wet
What color would you
label your first foray in publishing your book and why?
Violet because it's my name and my favorite flower and I think
it's full of passion.
Most likely to get
down and dirty in public…If you didn't know
them very well, you'd think it was Jason, but actually, it's Drew.
Most likely to wear a
fedora and rock it…Drew
Most likely to eat
food in bed…Jason (and Drew finds
that habit abhorrent)
Most likely to be
found barefoot…Jason
Most likely to find a
stray kitten and bring her home…Jason but only because
his sister foisted it on him
Most likely to have a
sweet tooth—take it any way you like *winks*…Jason loves to eat
sweets and Drew loves to eat Jason
In a silly battle of
wills…most likely to refrain from…um…pleasuring themselves the longest…Drew
In a sillier battle of
wills…most likely to come first in a race to completion…Jason
And now for my
favorite part! *cuddles up next to Silvia...rests my head on her—...smiles big*
Silvia promised to read to us tonight...I'm all yours my lovely...
*cuddles Havan to me* Get comfy. Here
I go….
Deer shifter Jason
Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a
job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior
of his past.
Then he meets Drew
Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does
he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has
taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a
chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?
I’m Jason Fleetfoot.
I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life. The stupidest of all was taking
a job with some assholes intent on manufacturing illegal chemical weapons.
My sister, Natalie,
lost her job when her company folded, and I lost mine because my fucking boss
was a bastard. I’ve got authority issues. And control issues. Alright, I’m
seriously fucked up, but I wasn’t going to let my sister starve because I
couldn’t keep it together.
So I made a deal with
the devil and damn near got myself and Natalie killed. She saved me, she and
her cop boyfriend, Wolf. The name’s not a joke. He’s a werewolf. Did I mention
we’re shifters, Natalie and I. Deer shifters. If you think my human form is
impressive, you should see me as a ten point buck. So yeah, a werewolf and a
deer shifter. Somehow they’re making it work.
As much as I hate
being beholden to Wolf, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for him. Once
the cops cleared me, Wolf helped me get a job in the crime lab where I can use
my knowledge of chemistry and computers for the good guys.
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment and working on what comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like it. It’s quiet and I get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a bit of programming. There’s only one problem, Detective Drew Danvers.
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment and working on what comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like it. It’s quiet and I get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a bit of programming. There’s only one problem, Detective Drew Danvers.
He works nights too.
Not because he’s new, because he’s a God-damned vampire. They say he was
Changed against his will. But what the hell was he doing picking up a vampire
at a bar? I certainly have no intention of fucking a vampire. No matter how
damn fuckable Drew is. Yeah, I like men, what of it? And Drew is a fine
specimen of a man, like some Viking warrior. He’s at least 6’3” with sculpted
arms and pecs that make him look like he could lift a truck one-handed.
Considering he’s a vamp, he probably can.
Getting involved with
Drew would be stupid on too many levels to count. And I’m finished with making
stupid decisions. So why does my body want so desperately to be impaled on him
– his cock, his fangs, anything he’d like to stick in me. Natalie’s right, my
dick really doesn’t communicate with my brain. I don’t just want to fuck him, I
want to be taken by him, and I never want that. Like I said, I have control
issues. But with Drew . . . No, there’s never going to be anything with Drew.
I hear the buzz that
signals someone entering the lab. I glance around from behind the mass spec
machine. Shit! Speak of the devil or in this case his undead minion.
My pride will not let
me hide even though I want to. I’m not afraid of him, even if I should be. I’m
just afraid my unruly cock will give away my interest.
His gaze slides up and down my body. He’s looked at me like this before. But I have never been sure whether it’s sexual interest or him salivating over me like I’m a piece of the lush chocolate cake my grandma used to make on Sundays. “You alone in here, Fleetfoot?”
His gaze slides up and down my body. He’s looked at me like this before. But I have never been sure whether it’s sexual interest or him salivating over me like I’m a piece of the lush chocolate cake my grandma used to make on Sundays. “You alone in here, Fleetfoot?”
Shit, maybe he does
mean to make a meal out of me. No point in lying though. He probably already
knows the answer. Aren’t vampires supposed to be damn near omnipotent? “Newton
called in sick, and everyone else is out in the field.
“Good.” Danvers
smiles, still eyeing me like I’m prey. If I was in deer form I’d bolt, white
tail flagging danger. But I’m a man and his ice blue gaze has me glued to the
spot. God above, he’s gorgeous when he smiles. My cock is starting to get
uncomfortable in my jeans.
My heart pounds as I
try to interpret his response. Does he mean “good I’m going to give you to the
best fuck of your life” or “good I’m going to drain your blood and leave you
for dead”?